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Thera by Nuthera®

Chow Down Chasu Pork with Sesame Tare and Herb Hummus

Chow Down Chasu Pork with Sesame Tare and Herb Hummus

Tender pork chasu glazed with sesame tare, served alongside herb hummus for a savory and satisfying meal.

  • Wholesome Ingredients
  • Convenient & Fresh
  • Balanced Meals

Nutritional Information

  • Fats: 29.0g
  • Protein: 23.0g
  • Carbohydrates: 62.0g
  • Calories: 601.0 kcal
定價 369.00 PHP
定價 售價 369.00 PHP
特價 售罄
內含稅金。 結帳時計算運費